Friday, April 3, 2009


i was not in the lab to do some of the blogs and now i have to do it all in one that is just great for me. how am i going to do this? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH so..... i need help! well i was looking at the news and in N.Y there was some tpye of a hostage thing and there have been deaths confirmed and the death toll could reach 13. oh it's in Binghamton, N.Y. at in immigration center. the gov. of new york is now saying "I speak for all of New York when I offer my prayers for the victims and families of this tragedy,". and that there was at least 41 people in the American Civic Association building. the guy has a high-powered rifle. they think that it is a man in his 20s between 5feet, 8 inches wearing a bright green nylon jacket and dark-rimmed glasses. here is were it happened

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hi people that read my blog.......there are people that read my blog right? well anyway i don't know what to write about ..... well i could write about the senate breakfast...... on Dec. 10 all the senators had to go to the Briski room at 7:00 am but of course my bus diver had to go 2 miles per hour! and i was late but it was cool i got a lot of thing i ask for.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

my dad's b-day

Well tomorrow is my dad's Birthday and i don't know what to give him. well that my life so far and i had a great Christmas got a lot of gifts so i hope all of you had a great Christmas like me or ever you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, festivus and other holidays i don't know about :) and Happy Birthday Sarah Deeter I know it's tomorrow but i don't know if am going to be on a computer.

Friday, December 12, 2008


hi it's been a long time....... and i have i question for all of you. One of my friends said that i don't have any flaws.......LOL that was funny so this is your task i need you to tell my on my blog what you think my flaws are don't be nice say every thing you think you need to say. then i can show it to my friend

Saturday, November 29, 2008

hi people i have nothing to i had a great thanksgiving............. wow i really don't have anything to say well............ bye?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Boy's last wish

lately i have seen on the news people dieing here and there but when i was going to i stop and see a news video called Boy's generous last wish you have to go see it it it is so sad but it shows you have you can still do many things before you die. 2 Sunday's ago Fr. Jim at St. Priscilla told us all what would you do if you only had 6 months to live. i really makes you think doesn't. as Fr. Jim said "the dieing are living life and the living are are dieing. it takes you knowing that your dieing to start living you life. to see it go to

Monday, November 17, 2008

what up people! i knew all of you don't want to read about my boring life but he it is any way.

last week in my 4th hour french we went to the computer lab and of course like many other people in the class we were not doing what we had to do. so i was sooo bored that i stated taking pics with my friend Sarah this is on of them

but with the new program on the computer that allows teachers to see what you are doing. so Mrs. Ruiz could see what we were doing. so we had to go back to work. go to these websites if you want to work on you French 2 Unit 2 Lecon 5 vocab. you want to play jeopardy in french is for you, and lets not forget Battleships to play go to i bet some of you are saying the websites are so much fun. well they are.......... for like 5 minutes. so stay tuned for then next episode of me life. and people that knew my well i think you will know who the vegetarian, jazz club, bearbear, and mr.penguin are :)